Personal Wealth

4 ways business owners can plan for college savings & financial aid

By |2022-04-06T08:43:11-07:00June 25th, 2019|Financial planning tips and perspectives, Personal Wealth|

If you have children approaching their college years and you own a business, you have more opportunities than others to manage your assets and income to save and pay for college.  One of the most favorable treatments for business owners is your ability to increase the amount of financial aid for which your child [Read More]

Getting started saving for retirement. How Gen Y and Gen Z can become super savers.

By |2022-09-29T21:51:53-07:00May 31st, 2019|Investor behavior, Personal Wealth|

Contribution by Margaret Hiller, CFP®, CPC Retirement savings crisis Last month was Financial Literacy Month which prompted a flurry of articles on the retirement crisis in the U.S. One noted that the “average” retirement savings amount, paltry though it is, is often an overstated figure because it is the average (or mean) rather than the [Read More]

Address these issues in your partnership agreement to protect your personal finances

By |2022-04-07T13:03:31-07:00March 8th, 2019|Personal Wealth, Quarterly thoughts|

When you own a business, you appreciate just how much your personal financial life is tied to your business.  What you may not realize is how much your personal financial wellbeing is intertwined with your partners or other owners in your business.  If you own a mature, successful business, and you’re seriously looking at [Read More]

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