The Advisory Group

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So far The Advisory Group has created 67 blog entries.

What retirement plan sponsors need to know

By |2022-11-17T13:46:30-08:00November 7th, 2020|Blog, Fiduciary, Institutional|

Safe harbor retirement plan for 2021 Now is the time to take action if you wish to implement a new safe harbor 401(k) plan or make changes to your existing safe harbor structure for 2021.  To satisfy the participant notice requirements, companies should install or amend calendar-year plans by the end of November.  If [Read More]

How tax policy may change with the election

By |2020-09-21T09:56:50-07:00September 17th, 2020|Blog, Business Owners, Financial planning tips and perspectives, In the news, Personal Wealth|

The upcoming presidential election brings with it much speculation about the tax policy and market implications of the outcome. We don’t recommend changing your plans based on educated guesses about how tax policy may change once the election is behind us.  However, it does make sense to consider how changes may affect your planning [Read More]

Department of Labor on ESG and private equity investing options for defined benefit plans

By |2022-04-07T13:33:32-07:00August 16th, 2020|Blog, Institutional|

Do you, or do you want to, offer Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) investment options in your qualified retirement plan?  What about riskier private equity options?  Here’s what’s on the Department of Labor (DOL)’s radar when it comes to both. Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) investing While participant and plan sponsor interest [Read More]

The stock market is not the economy

By |2020-08-05T11:13:11-07:00July 31st, 2020|Blog, Investment Management, Quarterly thoughts, Staying the course|

The common phrase that “the stock market is not the economy” now seems more relevant than ever. Many are perplexed about the resilience of the stock market, despite ongoing coronavirus and economic concerns, after Q1 2020’s 21% drop and Q2’s big bounce-back of 22% (Russell 3000). The market is up 41% from the March [Read More]

An opportunity within a crisis within a crisis within a crisis

By |2024-10-28T10:12:46-07:00June 11th, 2020|Blog, General thoughts|

In this time of national stress, the global coronavirus pandemic and the economy have taken a back seat to the centuries-old and often ignored and re-opened wounds of the Black community. Individuals, companies and other institutions have a new opportunity to listen and create a better path. We stand in support of equality and [Read More]

Using debt to get your business through coronavirus

By |2020-07-25T06:32:36-07:00May 30th, 2020|Blog, Business Owners, Financial planning tips and perspectives, Personal Wealth|

The decision to take on debt is a significant one for any business in normal times.  For businesses severely affected by COVID-19 shutdowns, debt-use consideration takes on heightened importance.  If your business is able to borrow or had credit lines available to draw down, the question becomes how to best use those funds to shore [Read More]

The rationale for investment manager changes

By |2022-04-09T09:19:11-07:00May 21st, 2020|Blog, Fiduciary, Institutional, Investment Management, Personal Wealth|

Sometimes we have to change the investments we hold in our clients’ portfolios. We’ve talked about rebalancing and tax loss harvesting as ways to keep portfolios’ allocation in check and lower tax bills, but what happens when a specific investment manager of a mutual fund or other vehicles needs a change? How do we decide [Read More]

How to pick an auditor for your company’s retirement plan

By |2022-04-09T10:22:19-07:00May 20th, 2020|Blog, Fiduciary, Institutional|

Audit season is in full swing for retirement plans, and if your company has a “large plan” (defined as more than 100 participants) you are required to undergo an annual audit by a CPA. This requirement kicks in when your start-of-year participant count exceeds 120 for the first time. If your company sponsors a plan [Read More]

Drawing from experience to navigate uncertainty

By |2020-08-16T18:18:49-07:00April 22nd, 2020|Financial planning tips and perspectives, General thoughts, Personal Wealth, Quarterly thoughts|

Every quarter we send a letter to our clients to set context around recent market activity.  This quarter, we are posting our letter here since it offers some reminders about how our experience and contingency planning get us through difficult times that we feel may benefit everyone.  These past several weeks have reminded us [Read More]

Volatility, Optimism, and Q1 Market Details

By |2020-04-25T11:41:39-07:00April 14th, 2020|Quarterly thoughts|

There’s no question we’re all living in unsettled times. Global citizens and the world economy are under stress, and uncertainty is heightened in all aspects of our lives. People are worried about their health, and that of family, friends, neighbors. Some have temporarily or permanently lost jobs or taken a hit to their income. Leaders [Read More]

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