When you own a business, you appreciate just how much your personal financial life is tied to your business. What you may not realize is how much your personal financial wellbeing is intertwined with your partners or other owners in your business. If you own a mature, successful business, and you’re seriously looking at your exit strategy, how well you’ve addressed this connection among partners can mark how successful your exit — and the funding for the next phase of your life — will be.
As financial advisors, we have worked with business owners both as they have built their businesses and exited them. Amid the success stories, we have also witnessed times where owners lost significant value that derailed their personal financial planning for retirement or their next venture. What is often the determining factor? Well-documented buy-sell provisions in the operating agreement of the business.
“Paper is to write things down that we need to remember,” Albert Einstein wrote, before adding that “our brains are used to think”.
Business partners often think they are in alignment about operating the business; however, memory is unreliable even for things that have seem to have been fully discussed. Getting your Partnership Agreement (or Operating Agreement in the case of an LLC) written down forces you to clarify situations that may be vague or subject to assumptions. These explicit, documented agreements can make all the difference in successfully exiting your business and preserving your financial future.
The three most critical agreements to spell out that will help you protect your personal financial life are:
In either case, you want to document the valuation method you will use for the business to complete the exit.
The reality is that urgent business matters and the uncertainty about how the business will evolve stops many business owners from documenting an explicit agreement about exits that they cannot yet comprehend. The best time to get these provisions in writing is at the start of the business, allowing for flexibility to make changes as your company develops. But, if you do not have a clear operating or partnership agreement in place, it is not too late to create one. Meet with your partners to outline these provisions. Even if you do have a solid agreement in force, make sure you review it for these three elements to ensure you protect the personal financial health of you and your partners.