Learn with us: educational webinars
The Gen-X guide to planning for a 100-year lifespan: financial planning strategies for your health & wealth
It’s time to get inspired to plan for the long-term. WIth a focus on Gen-X issues and special strategies for independent women, this webinar helps you prepare for a vibrant and financially secure life.
Learn how to master longevity with comprehensive financial planning strategies that allow for flexible work models as you age and give you practical tips on planning for healthcare expenses, innovative living solutions, tax-savvy investing and more. Tune in now!
Presented by Lisette Smith, CFP®, CDFA® and Tanya Rapacz, CFP®
Solo Success: Financial Wisdom for the Unstoppable Woman
You’ll learn:
• How financial planning and investment management differ when you’re single
• What planning possibilities may be more available to you
• What steps should you take now to ensure that your retirement savings and spending will allow you the lifestyle you want
• The implications to your healthcare planning when you’re solo
• How to set up your estate plan and beneficiaries, including groups or causes that may be important to you, to ensure that your legacy is secure
…and more!
Presented by Lisette Smith, CFP®
Gain more control of your money: What accomplished women need to know about their personal finances
There’s an old saying in the financial industry–women save, men invest. Unfortunately, in this case, there is some truth to the stereotype. Studies across the board show that women invest less money than men and as a result, they lag in retirement savings by comparison. Fortunately, it’s never too late for women to get excited about—and take control of—their financial futures.
In this valuable webinar, you’ll learn:
— Why women put off investing
— What makes women good investors
— The bigger view financial planning brings (beyond your portfolio)
And, you’ll find out the steps you can take to pave a road for a secure future.
Presented by Lisette Smith, CFP®
What you’ll want to know about Secure 2.0
Secure 2.0 has something for everyone, but reading all 350 pages of it to find out what fits for you is too much! In this session you’ll learn about:
–Expanded savings opportunities in retirement plans,
–Longer timeframes to keep funds invested in tax-deferred plans
–How to take advantage of new 529 Plan flexibility
–What tax incentives may be available if you are a business owner.
Whether you’re a parent saving for your kid’s college, grandparents gifting for education, an employee contributing to a retirement plan, a retiree drawing down assets, or a business owner offering an employee retirement plan, you won’t want to miss this session. Find out the highlights that serve you!
Presented by Lisette Smith, CFP®
The Gen-X sandwich solution, part 1: How to financially prepare and launch your children
Whether you’re parenting school-aged or helping young adult children, this webinar is for you!
You’ll learn:
- the 5 legal documents your child needs when they turn 18
- what to do if you overfunded your kid’s 529 plan
- the often overlooked details around filing taxes and saving for retirement as a minor.
Plus, you’ll get tips on when and how to help your child understand personal finance.
Presented by Lisette Smith, CFP®
The Gen-X sandwich solution, part 2: 4 conversations to have with aging parents now
Concern for your parents as they age is another part of the Sandwich Generation mental load. Even healthy, active parents may need your help later. This webinar teaches you what to anticipate and how to talk with your parents about their future.
You’ll learn:
- how to approach sensitive subjects like finances and healthcare
- the essential documents you’ll want to make sure they have
- cool technology solutions that help you worry less if you’re far away
We’ll also share insight from our own experiences to help you feel prepared.
Presented by Lisette Smith, CFP®