Employee Appreciation for 401k Match

7 ways to boost appreciation for your 401k match especially in a recession.

Do you ever feel like your employees do not understand that your 401k match is free money? That it’s an extremely valuable benefit that not every employer offers?

If you maintain your match during recessions, that is a good time to help employees understand its real value.

To help, we designed a special guide outlining how to boost appreciation—and engagement—from employees. You’ll learn:

  • 7 creative ways to sprinkle reminders about how valuable a 401k match is
  • which other benefits you may want to “boost” in the same way
  • how ‘what they don’t get’ can also be a benefit

Plus, you’ll receive a downloadable pdf that you can share to help educate and encourage employee participation and ultimately help them save for their future.

Simply fill out the form below to request your guide & employee handout

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